
The Ophthalmology Foundation works with the International Ophthalmological Fellowship Foundation (IOFF e.V.). to provide young ophthalmologists from underserved and low-resource countries the opportunity for advanced training at leading ophthalmology host centers around the globe. Fellows commit to returning home with the promise that they will invest their training into their local communities to preserve vision and prevent blindness.

Impactful Fellowship Programs

The International Ophthalmological Fellowship Foundation team has a distinguished record of providing impactful fellowships to young ophthalmologists around the world:


Fellowships Awarded


Host Centers



The primary fellowship opportunities are 3-month programs, mainly classified as observerships, covering twenty ophthalmology subspecialties. Applicants can apply for a maximum of $6,000 USD (5,000 €), for programs in a network that has grown to more than ninety prestigious eye institutes.

In collaboration with the Retina Research Foundation (RRF), the IOFF-RRF Helmerich International Fellowship is awarded to two candidates in all subspecialties per year with a duration of one year. The award is $35,000 USD.

Candidates can now apply for a 6-month fellowship in retinoblastoma, sponsored by the Eye Cancer Foundation. The award is $7,000 USD.

  • Cataract Surgery
  • Cornea and External Diseases
  • Glaucoma
  • Low Vision and Rehabilitation
  • Medical Retina
  • Microbiology/Ocular Pathology/Ocular Oncology
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Ocular Oncology
  • Oculoplastic
  • Ophthalmo-Genetic
  • Pediatric
  • Pediatric and Strabismus
  • Retinoblastoma
  • ROP and Pediatric Retina
  • Strabismus
  • Uveitis
  • Vitreoretina

The IOFF-Subspecialty Fellowships do not support training in refractive surgery or aesthetic surgery. Detailed information, including how to apply for the IOFF-Subspecialty Fellowships, the IOFF-ECF Retinoblastoma Fellowships. and the IOFF-RRF Helmerich Fellowships is available on www.ioff.org.

Impact of Fellowships

In 2020 the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) confirmed in a peer-reviewed publication that fellowships have significantly impacted the knowledge, skills, and careers of young ophthalmologists from low-resource and underserved countries. The Ophthalmology Foundation is grateful to have Ms. Cordula Gabel-Obermaier, who ran the ICO Fellowships Program for 11 years, now collaborate with the Ophthalmology Foundation to continue this impactful work.


Fellows said their IOFF Fellowship
helped them in their
daily practice.*


Fellows said they learned
techniques in
diagnosis, treatment, or
surgery that were
new to them.*


Fellows began regular
teaching events in their
department after returning from their fellowship.*